The Stamp Project


Want to be part of my latest art project (spoiler alert, this involves my MFA thesis project, but hopefully much more than that)? Since the pandemic, I’ve decided to take up stamp collecting, but with a twist. I’m collecting uniquely created art postage stamps.

Here’s The Ask. Would you consider submitting a stamped-size image for my Postcards from the Pandemic: A Memoir from Pulaski project? I’m creating a series of photopolymer gravures (prints) based on images from my photo journals and am making them postcard-sized (3.75 x 5 inches). Instead of doing a traditional art label, I’m accompanying each print with the back of a postcard. These postcard-like labels will tell the story of our COVID-19 era.

What’s In It For You. A worthy question! Attribution, and of course, my gratitude. If I am able to use your stamp, it will accompany the exhibitions I hope to generate with this series. If accepted, your stamp will be included on a postcard label, with attribution to you. When possible, I would also like to include it in a digital slide show or projection of all the stamps included with the project. If the project becomes a book or catalog, I will include your stamp in the published piece (with, you guessed it, attribution to you) and you will receive a digital version of the publication. Also, on my website,, I will attribute you to the project and can link to your websites and/or social media. 

What I Get Out Of This Deal. Your permission to use your stamp artwork as part of my Postcards from the Pandemic project, including in digital and physical exhibitions, and publications. 

What You Retain. Your artwork and copyright.

What I Need From You. The digital image of your stamp. You can create an actual stamp that mimics postage stamps or I can add your image to a stamp design. Please make sure the image is at least 1280 px on the largest size (stamp ratios vary from 1:1, 2:3, 8:10), but will be printed much smaller for the card. I will print the actual image and perforate the edges. The design is up to you, but please don’t add faux perforations. And if you want the image to go to the edge with no border, I’ll need what’s called a bleed (about an eighth of an inch or .125 inches beyond the final size of your stamp). I will also add a minimal cancellation mark.

When I Need Your Stamp. UPDATED: February 31, 2020

To submit your image, please fill out the form below.

Once you have submitted the form, please email your image to


Crowd-Sourced Curation: Postcards from the Pandemic

