Hypnotic adventures: an audio made to help you see values
We’ll get to the hypnosis audio in a minute, but first the adventures.The unwinding path is a busy trail for the next few weeks. We have an interview coming up this weekend with photographer Diana Bloomfield. And yes, you’ll get to meet her muses. I’ve had a sneak peek at them and they are lovely.I’m also hoping this weekend will offer me an opportunity to visit a museum or gallery, and if I like what I see, I’ll share it. If I don’t like anything, you won’t read the negativity here.The following week both a Maymester accelerated class begins as does a full summer session. I’m doing a photo project for one and a research class for the other, but they are related. The latter involves a trip to Santa Fe for a workshop on a new gravure method. Both classes are going to be a bit different from my other courses as I’ll be meeting periodically with professors and grad students. Though there were grad students in the History of the book class I did in the fall, I spent more time with the undergrads. I’m working with a new professor for the first time on the research portion. And with all things different and new, there is a certain reverberating energy that is both electric and slightly terrifying (at least with me).But for now, I have one last drawing to share from this past semester. You meet Ella, one of my muse cats in an earlier drawing post. Now I present you with Lily, my siamese muse. Both cats are sisters (isn’t biology just the most surprising thing of all), and they became studio mates and members of our household back in late fall.The quick story behind the two cat drawings stems from a planned trip to a Plein Air convention we ended up canceling out of due to the need to go to the reception for the senior design show. I had hoped to draw and etch landscapes in Tucson, Arizona. So when that didn’t happen, I found solace in the idea of drawing the cats and doing drypoints based on the outcomes. Yes, I’m that girl, just like all the other college students who chose subjects like their dogs or cats (like them I’m dying to explore beach imagery as well).And to make this even longer, I’m including a link to another self-hypnosis audio I recently created. This one is called N*tranced Drawing School 2 – Rendering. This mp3 is to help with rendering tonality in drawing. As I’ve mentioned before, I struggle with simplifying visual tones in a drawing and I get all muddled up in a tangle of shadows and reflected light. I created this audio to help uncomplicated the matter.With this, I’ve included a tradition value scale used as a reference point during the audio. Before listening, you may want to familiarize yourself with this.
The audio includes relaxation, visualizations and suggestions for simplifying the tonality via squinting at the subject and retaining the information. Hope you enjoy it if you listen and try it.And as always, I would love to know what you think about it.