
Does your creative cup runneth over? Where does the overflow go and what happens when the flow from the spigot turns into a trickle and seems to threaten a draught? How do you prime the pump?

With a 40+ hour a week job that requires words and pictures on deadline (not to mention all the collaborating, zoom meetings, interns, social media, and reports) topped off with an MFA project and thesis looming, I sometimes find myself a little parched. My instinct is to meditate, walk, and have another cup of tea… oh, and to complain. The former is helping. The latter is not. 

So, to find more joy and my voice that has grown hoarse, I embarked on a visual adventure. The Postcard Collective accepted me into its 2020 fall exchange. The theme was anonymity. This means I had to produce a postcard and send it to 39 people. In return, they send theirs to me. The cards are still coming in, but it’s been so exciting to see what is waiting in my post office box.

For my image, I took a trip to my basement for inspiration and found the right visuals to accompany a poem I wrote for the theme. To share it, I’ve created this little video.


The Stamp Project


Appalachian Center for Photography's Outstanding Photograph Award