
If I lived in the Blogosphere, the sound accompanying this post with be a sudden, sharp crescendo screeching into the now. Instead, it barely registers. How many bloggers out there profusely apologize for a lapse of time before taking their fingers to the clacking keys of a laptop? Worse, how many times have I done that, promising the cyber invisible I’ll never leave again?

So, no promises, okay?

Since my last post, much has changed and stayed the same. For the former, I changed my 8-to-5, and Josie, a once shy little kitten, now a shy little cat, joined our household. I learned how to silkscreen and created a new series called Remains. And as for the category of same-old-same-old, I am ever the MFA student and never the degree holder, or so it seems. After four years of study, I calculate I will finish in two years.

So for this Studio Sunday, the news is that I am embarking on a joint exhibition with Ken Smith. The Floyd Center for the Arts invited us to show our work together at its Falcon Gallery in October. After a partnership of 15 years, we are making the leap.

After much consideration and coffee, we came up with a theme. What is it, you ask? Watch the video.


Ten years and an acceptance


Ella Everyday – the miracle I want to remember